Today’s North Carolina Personal Injury Blog post discusses a tip in writing your Demand Letter for your North Carolina Personal Injury Claim: keep it short and differentiate your claim.
As always, if you need additional information or if your question is not answered, give our Durham Personal Injury Lawyers a call (888-820-5885), email (, or contact us through our website at
Occasionally we get a case from another North Carolina Personal Injury Attorney who has failed to settle his or her North Carolina Personal Injury case and no longer wishes to handle the case (i.e., he or she does not want to litigate the case). Getting these cases is very informative as we get a chance to see what other attorneys are including, and leaving out of, their demand letters to the insurance company. Also, with years of experience as a licensed North Carolina insurance adjuster, I have seen a ton of demand letters and have a unique perspective on what is effective and ineffective.
On that note, for those of you out there who are trying to settle your own Personal Injury case, keep in mind that normally with your demand letters less is more. You do not need to write a novel about every doctor, chiropractor, physical therapist, physician assistant, etc. that you visited, as all of that information is included in the medical bills and medical records. If you are looking to underscore the volume of healthcare providers or treatment, just include a sentence or two summarizing your treatment.
Really what you want to be highlighting in your demand letter is what makes your case different from the 30-40 cases that the insurance adjuster is currently handling. This is particularly true if you have suffered an automobile accident caused a soft-tissue injury (e.g., whiplash, cervical strain, lumbar strain, muscle sprains, etc. – basically anything short of a broken bone, bulged disc or torn ligament or tendon). If you have received a soft-tissue injury in a North Carolina Auto Accident, you have the same injury that 99% of other drivers are injured in a North Carolina Auto Accident. Consequently, the insurance adjuster settles dozens of claims like yours per month, and the adjuster will be very inflexible in evaluating your claim if you do not give the insurance adjuster information that makes your claim different.
So, keep your demand letter short, preferably limit it to just 2 pages (unless you have an extremely severe injury or complex injury). Also, avoid regurgitating information that appears in your medical bills and medical records (unless it is so important it needs to be highlighted), and focus on writing information (and providing proof) that differentiates your case from the standard case.
If you have questions about your North Carolina personal injury claim, contact one of our North Carolina personal injury attorneys by email at, by phone at 888-820-5885, or by submitting your contact information on our website here at
Also, if you would like a sample demand letter, just send us an email or give us a call and we will be happy to forward you a sample.