This blog post discusses whether you need to bring your driving record to court when you are fighting your speeding ticket. Our Durham Speeding Ticket Attorneys, Durham County Speeding Ticket Attorneys, Greensboro Speeding Ticket Attorneys and Guilford Speeding Ticket Attorneys get this question occasionally, and knowing the answer can save you a trip to court. If you have received a speeding ticket in Durham, Durham County, Greensboro or Guilford County and have any questions, feel free to contact one of our Durham Attorneys, Greensboro Attorneys or Guilford Attorneys to ask your questions for free by calling (888) 820-5885, sending an email to or completing the contact form to the right.
In our experience, if you are seeking a reduction in your speeding ticket you will need to bring your certified North Carolina driving record with you to court in the following counties: Durham County, Guilford County and Orange County. You generally do not need to bring your certified North Carolina driving record with you to Wake County. You can obtain your certified North Carolina driving record (click on link for information on how to obtain your certified North Carolina driving record) from the North Carolina DMV online or from the North Carolina DMV through the mail. Click on following link if you need help reading your certified North Carolina driving record.
Generally the District Attorney is looking at your certified North Carolina driving record to see if you have had any speeding convictions or improper equipment convictions over the past 3 years. If you have not had any prior speeding convictions or improper equipment convictions in the past 3 years the District Attorney will usually consider reducing your speeding charge down to an improper equipment charge (which is a non-moving violation and will not result in any insurance points or DMV points). If you have egregious prior convictions such as reckless driving, DWIs, etc., you may not be able to get your ticket reduced. Furthermore, some counties, like Orange County, may require you to complete an online driving course.
If you have any questions regarding your Durham speeding ticket, Greensboro speeding ticket or Guilford speeding ticket, please do not hesitate to contact one of our Durham Speeding Ticket Lawyers or Greensboro Speeding Ticket Lawyers. Our Durham Lawyers and Greensboro Lawyers are willing to answer your questions for free over the phone or by email.