Author: Kreger Brodish LLP
When someone receives a traffic ticket, often the first question they ask an attorney is whether they can just use a prayer for judgment continued, commonly referred to as a PJC. First, it is important to understand that a PJC…
If you are injured in an auto accident in North Carolina, you are generally entitled to receive compensation for: (1) medical expenses; (2) loss of earnings; (3) pain & suffering; (4) scarring and/or disfigurement; and (5) permanent impairment or permanent…
When your Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Lawyers file your Chapter 7 bankruptcy, your creditors (the businesses and people that you owe money to) are legally prohibited from trying to collect most kinds of debt from you. As your Chapter 7 Bankruptcy…
What is Negligence Per Se in North Carolina and How it does it Relate to My Car Accident? In order for you to be compensated by another driver’s insurance company in your car accident case, your car accident lawyer has…
This injury attorney Raleigh blog post is going to cover where you should be getting medical treatment following your automobile accident. One of the most common questions we get on our injury attorney Raleigh blog, and one of the areas…
The first step for you to be compensated by another driver’s insurance company in your car accident case, you have to be able to show that the other driver was Negligent causing the actual car wreck. In North Carolina, Negligence…
What Vehicle Property Damage Claims Should an At-Fault Driver’s Insurance Company Pay For in My Car Accident Case? When you are involved in an auto accident and the other driver is determined be at-fault in causing the accident and the at-fault driver’s…
What is a Release and Do I have to sign one in the Settlement of my Car Accident Case? One of my main goals in representing clients in motor vehicle accident cases is to negotiate with the at-fault driver’s insurance…
North Carolina Personal Injury Settlements consist of three main categories: medical expenses (or medical bills), loss of earnings (or lost wages), and pain and suffering. If you have found this webpage looking for an exact value for your North Carolina…
At many of my initial consultations with personal injury clients, I am asked about Punitive Damages and whether Punitive Damages can be recovered in my client’s motor vehicle accident case. In the majority of automobile accident cases, the damages recovered by the…