Author: Kreger Brodish LLP

If you have been involved in an auto accident caused by the negligence of another driver, you might have a liability claim against the negligent driver. This liability claim will be processed through the negligent driver’s insurance company, and will…

Often called a “careless and reckless driving” charge (or “CNR” for short), a charge of reckless driving is one of the more serious traffic offenses a person can receive. When a person receives a speeding ticket for a high rate…

The only way your landlord can keep all or part of your security deposit, is if the landlord has provided an accounting to you showing for what purpose the security deposit was used. The accounting is for actual damages you,…

If your tenant has failed to pay rent, the legal mechanism for evicting the tenant is called a “Summary Ejectment.” Summary Ejectments are filed in the small claims division of the county in which your tenant resides (i.e., the county…

In short, yes. A claim for child support can always be brought to a judge, whether or not a settlement agreement exists. If your separation agreement left out provisions regarding child support, an action or a lawsuit can be brought…

You should always call law enforcement if you have been involved in a motor vehicle accident. The agency or department you should call will depend on the accident location. If the accident occurred in a city or town, you would…

We get this type of question a lot. To be clear, the insurance adjuster doesn’t get to legally decide if you contributed to the accident or not. However, the insurance adjuster does get to decide whether the insurance company is choosing…

North Carolina traffic and criminal defense attorneys are often asked by their clients how to get their speeding ticket reduced to an improper equipment infraction. First, however, you might be wondering why a person would even want that their speeding…

If you have a negligence case arising from an auto accident for injuries, vehicle repairs, or other types of legal damages, it is very important to keep your eye on the calendar. If you miss the legal deadline to file…

Over the past few years, various types of scams have been targeting people in North Carolina, resulting in the loss of thousands of dollars. Some popular scams have involved persons making fake calls pretending to be from the Sheriff’s department…