Are Grass Clippings a Cause of Motorcycle Accidents?

Are Grass Clippings a Cause of Motorcycle Accidents

Motorcycling provides a sense of freedom and adventure. But it comes with risks that can cause severe, even fatal injuries. Homeowners and landscaping crews sometimes contribute to these risks by sweeping freshly cut grass onto streets, unaware of the dangers of grass clippings on the road for motorcyclists.

Were you hurt due to landscaping waste on the road while riding your motorcycle? A motorcycle accident attorney from Kreger Brodish LLP can help you prove the clippings were to blame and hold the property owners or managers liable for what happened.

Understanding the Risk of Grass Clippings on the Road

Grass clippings are one of many causes of motorcycle accidents because they lead to:

  • Reduced Traction – Because water makes up about 80 percent of grass, it is often slick, causing motorcycles to lose traction and crash. These risks become especially acute in already wet road conditions.
  • Visibility Issues – Grass clippings can obscure road markings and potential hazards like potholes, catching riders off guard and prompting sudden and destabilizing maneuvers.
  • Sudden Surprises – Bags of grass clippings can also become hazards if they get knocked into the roadway or their contents are picked up by the wind and blown into traffic.

Legal Options Following a Motorcycle Accident

Motorcycle accident victims injured by grass clippings can demand compensation from those responsible for putting the clippings into the roadway, including:

  • Homeowners – Property owners or homeowners who sweep or dump grass clippings or yard waste onto the road can be responsible for resulting accidents.
  • Landscaping Companies – Lawn maintenance and landscaping companies can be responsible when employees blow or sweep grass clippings onto the road during maintenance.
  • Homeowners’ Associations (HOAs) – In some communities, HOAs or other organizations are responsible for handling yard maintenance duties. These entities could be liable in circumstances where they leave grass clippings on the road.

Injured motorcycle riders may be entitled to monetary compensation to cover the costs of medical treatment, lost income, pain and suffering, and more.

An experienced motorcycle accident attorney can explore your legal options and fight for the compensation you deserve.

Safety Tips for Motorcyclists

The best way to avoid a motorcycle accident involving grass clippings is to practice a few simple safety tips. Here are a few to follow the next time you hit the road on your bike:

  • Watch out for lawns being mowed and other ongoing landscaping activities.
  • Give ample space to someone mowing their lawn.
  • Slow down in residential areas.
  • Stay in the center or left side of your lane, away from the road’s edge.
  • Wear protective gear.

Most importantly, know your rights. If someone else is to blame for an accident that injures you, they can be held liable with the help of an experienced motorcycle injury attorney.

Contact Our Durham, NC, Motorcycle Accident Attorneys for Help

If you were injured in a motorcycle accident caused by grass clippings in North Carolina, Kreger Brodish LLP is here to help. Reach out to a Durham, NC, personal injury lawyer from our firm to discuss your case in detail, at no upfront cost.