Today’s Durham Personal Injury Blog and Greensboro Personal Injury Blog post discusses some basics on Durham Motorcycle Accidents and Greensboro Motorcycle Accidents. If you have any specific questions that you would like answered free of charge, please contact one of our Durham Motorcycle Accident Lawyers or Greensboro Motorcycle Accident Attorneys.
Types of causes of Durham Motorcycle Accidents and Greensboro Motorcycle Accidents
Motorcycle accidents, like car accidents, can be caused by a wide variety of factors. Oftentimes, a larger vehicle, such as a car or truck, will fail to see a motorcyclist and cause a collision. Additionally, a lot of Durham Motorcycle Accidents and Greensboro Motorcycle Accidents are caused by hazardous road conditions, such as by debris being negligently left in the road. If you are looking to receive compensation due to being injured in a Durham Motorcycle Accident or Greensboro Motorcycle Accident, you’ll need to identify what caused your accident in order to determine who is negligent and liable for your accident. If you are in need of assistance with determining who is liable for your injuries, you can contact one of our Durham Motorcycle Accident Lawyers or Greensboro Accident Lawyers.
Damages in a Durham Motorcycle Accident or Greensboro Motorcycle Accident
Unfortunately, due to the fact that a motorcycle does not provide any airbags, seatbelts, or sheet metal to protect the rider of the motorcycle, a large percentage of Durham Motorcycle Accidents and Greensboro Motorcycle Accidents result in multiple injuries and very serious injuries. As you may be aware, Motorcycle Accident Injuries often involve the motorcycle rider (a) being ejected from the motorcycle, (b) coming into contact with the road and/or (c) coming into contact with an object tend to result in extremely serious injuries. As a result, Motorcycle Accident Injuries tend to be more permanent, tend to involve longer periods of medical treatment and rehabilitation, and tend to involve higher insurance settlements and jury verdicts. Valuing your Motorcycle Accident Injuries can be difficult, and is a very important aspect of your claim. If you are in need of assistance with valuing your Motorcycle Accident Injuries our Durham Motorcycle Accident Attorneys and Greensboro Motorcycle Accident Attorneys are available to assist you.
Actions to take after a Durham Motorcycle Accident or Greensboro Motorcycle Accident
- Obtain a copy of your accident report. As with a Durham Auto Accident or Greensboro Auto Accident, when you are involved in a Durham Motorcycle Accident or Greensboro Motorcycle Accident, you are always going to want to immediately obtain a copy of the accident report/collision report/police report. You want to review this report to ensure (a) that it accurately portrays your accident and (b) that the liable party/negligent party is listed in the report.
- Obtain Witness names and phone numbers, and gather preliminary statements from the witnesses. If there is a dispute as to who caused your Durham Motorcycle Accident or Greensboro Motorcycle Accident, the witnesses will be extremely valuable in resolving the dispute.
- Obtain photographs of everything. Get photographs of your motorcycle, of the other road, of the other automobiles, of the witnesses present, of your injuries, etc. Just snap a photo of everything. If you don’t have a camera or a cell phone with a camera, ask someone nearby to start snapping photos for you.
- If you are injured, you’ll need to go to the doctor, urgent care or emergency room. If you fail to do any medical treatment, it will be extremely difficult to later be compensated for your injuries (as there will be no evidence of your injury to prove at a trial). Similarly, to the extent you continue to feel injuries, follow up with your physician. If you are not seeking medical attention, the presumption is that you are not injured. So if you expect to be compensated for your injuries, you’ll need to be seeking medical treatment.
- A few other items of importance: (1) call your own insurance company and make a claim (you may have medical payments coverage, uninsured motorist coverage/underinsured motorist coverage, etc.); (2) don’t give the insurance company a recorded statement or a written statement.
For more information on Durham Motorcycle Accidents and Greensboro Motorcycle Accidents, you can reach one of our Durham Motorcycle Accident Attorneys or Greensboro Motorcycle Attorneys by phone at 888-820-5885 or by email at